Are You Ready To Launch And Monetise Your First Profitable

Chrome Extension In The Next 30 Days? 🚀

Hi, my name is Rick Blyth and I'm a software developer, entrepreneur, founder, blogger and father.

I quit my (well-paid but crappy) 9-5 job a few years back after building and scaling my bootstrapped Chrome Extensions.

I was able to resign with confidence, knowing I had built a good runway and had a growing, recurring subscription income each month 📈

Eventually, I went on to make over $500,000 from my Chrome Extensions through the subscription income and cash lump sum I received when I sold and exited.

Now, I'm passionate about helping other software developers get started building their own profitable Chrome Extensions 🚀

Perhaps you're stuck in a coding rut, working long hours and feeling like your skills could be put to better use.

Maybe you've tried following advice from various articles and videos online, but your side projects still haven't taken off 😨

You've tried thinking of cool ideas for software apps but by the time your halfway through building it you can already feel your motivation waning and before you know it you're jumping to the next idea, leaving a trail of unfinished projects behind you 🚮

I used to be the same, feeling the shame of domain name renewals coming up a year after I bought them and I'd done nothing with it! 🙈

But then I found a new opportunity that’s the perfect side hustle for software developers ...

An opportunity where there is already a ready-made audience 🙌

An opportunity that allows you to use your existing coding skills to build and monetise something for a niche audience.

I'm talking about building Chrome Extensions for niche audiences.

It all started one weekend a few years ago ...

I built my first niche Chrome Extension in a weekend, it was a Chrome Extension specifically for Amazon sellers and it blew up 🔥

It earned me over $3,000 for just a few hours of work over a weekend 💰

It showed me what was possible and I doubled down on it, building bigger and better Chrome Extensions for that same niche.

I built my flagship app Merch Wizard 🧙‍♂️

And I'm not alone. There are many other solo developers who started with no idea and no audience and they've managed to earn way more than they did in their day jobs

So, if you’re interested in starting a side hustle that not only provides additional income for your family but also allows you to reclaim your time and see more of your family, I would heartily recommend building Niche Chrome Extensions.

They’re a great opportunity for you to work smarter, not harder and I’m sure you’ll agree that we all want to make the most amount of money we can by working the least amount of hours.

You can start off in your spare time with no upfront costs, just using your existing coding skills, starting small but knowing that it has the potential to scale up your income from beer money to quit your job money in a short period of time ...


As I’m sure you know, Chrome Extensions are small plug-ins for the Google Chrome browser that can enhance any website on the internet. Furthermore, you can expand the reach of your extension to all the other major browsers from the same codebase!

Chrome Extensions are an excellent way for software developers to reach a vast audience of users.

Here are some of the high-level benefits of developing Chrome Extensions:

1. Potential Profits

Many Chrome Extension developers are earning a full-time living, and some are earning a disproportionate income as a solo developer 💰

Personally, I’ve generated over $500,000 from my niche Chrome Extensions for Amazon sellers, demonstrating the huge potential out there that’s just waiting to be discovered.

One of the best things about Chrome Extensions is that you build them once and then sell them to many people. This leveraging of your time shifts your time spent at the keyboard from active income (paid per hour/week/month) to passive income (paid for the quality of the product you produce). You can charge a one-off fee or preferably charge a recurring monthly or annual subscription.

To whet your appetite, here’s a table showing how much you can make even with a small number of users. These subscription fees are very realistic for micro-niche Chrome Extensions, and you can even charge more than $30 if you provide enough value.

Of course, the exact numbers will depend on the pricing strategy, user acquisition tactics, and the specific Chrome Extension being developed.

However, as you can see, even a small user base can generate a significant amount of recurring revenue each month. With the right approach and consistent effort, making good money through Chrome Extensions is definitely achievable.

In terms of an exit, generally, you can expect a 40x-60x monthly net profit multiplier. You will need at least 18 months of development and growth before you can demonstrate to potential investors the user base is stable/growing and that all KPIs are trending in the right direction.

2. A Vast Audience

There are over 3.2 billion Chrome users worldwide! All you need to do is find a niche within this huge user base that you can target with a great Chrome Extension.

If we compare the opportunity on the Chrome store with that of the iOS app store we can see that the Apple App Store has an audience of around 1 billion users, with around 3.6 million apps in the app store.

However, when it comes to Chrome, the contrast is striking. The audience is enormous at 3.2 billion users, but critically, there are only 200,000 Chrome Extensions in the Chrome store 🤯

Therefore, the Chrome web store offers a much greater opportunity than the iPhone app store because there are far fewer apps per user.

If you can create a decent Chrome Extension, you'll have a far higher chance of standing out in the Chrome Web Store than you do in Apple's App Store.

3. Portability To Other Browsers

When you develop a Chrome Extension, you're not just restricted to the Chrome Web Store. You can also submit your extension to other browser stores such as Opera, Edge & Mozilla.

While the number of users on these other browsers is significantly lower than Chrome, it's still an option worth considering.

Thanks to the browser extension standardisation efforts of the W3C, it's now possible to write a single extension that can be installed on all major browsers with just a few minor tweaks during publishing.

4. Low Running Costs

Another great benefit of developing Chrome Extensions is that they run locally client-side, meaning there's very little server maintenance and costs to worry about.

This contrasts with web apps which generally require backend servers to function.

While this doesn't mean that developing Chrome Extensions is cheap or free, it does mean that the costs are significantly lower than developing apps on other platforms.

In my Chrome Extensions, I hosted the user's data within their own private Airtable base, which was on the free tier 99% of the time.

Thus, the monthly server costs were negligible compared to the cost of provisioning and maintaining multiple backend servers.

5. Level Up Your Development Skills

Building Chrome Extensions is a great way to improve your technical skills. It requires a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to get started, but you can start off super simple and build up the complexity as you go.

Let’s not forget that if you're able to develop a popular Chrome Extension, it will definitely look good on your resume.

You can also use Chrome Extensions as a way to learn new development frameworks and libraries. For example, you can build a Chrome Extension using a framework such as React, Vue or Angular to become more familiar with it.

How To Launch And Monetise Your First Profitable

Chrome Extension In The Next 30 Days 🚀

I’m a regular software developer, and if an everyday Joe like me can pull in over half a million bucks doing this, then I absolutely believe you can too! ⚡

There are thousands of micro-niches out there with thousands of users waiting for someone like you to come and build something to solve their frustrations.

You can totally do this even if you don't have much spare time and you don't even need to be a senior developer.

After I sold and exited from my Chrome Extensions for a life-changing cash lump sum, I decided I wanted to make it my mission to help other software developers discover how they can tap into this growing market to build their own Cashflowing Chrome Extensions using their existing coding skills.

I want to give you that opportunity to start something that could lead to you being able to quit your job too.

So, if you are interested in learning more about how you can build your first profitable Chrome Extension in the next 30 days, then I’ve put together a free training that I think you’re going to really like.

In this completely unique and valuable training, I outline the potential goldmine that’s awaiting you in the Chrome Web Store.

I run you through how you can find ideas for profitable Chrome Extensions as well as the 10 steps you need to take to take you from Zero to Chrome Extension Hero!

There has never been a better time to start building Chrome Extensions so why not check out this training and take the first steps towards building your own profitable Chrome Extension that could eventually enable you to quit your job and live life on your own terms?

This is not a fake live training, you don't need to schedule a fake time to watch it or any of that pretend live nonsense, it’s instantly accessible.

So, just click the button below to register for the free training, and I’ll see you there! What have you got to lose?

Your Host

Rick Blyth

Here's What You Will Learn On This Training

  • Part 1: Code Your Way to Cash: The Untapped Potential of Chrome Extensions 📈
  • Part 2: The Secret Recipe To Build a Chrome Extension Cash Cow 💰
  • Part 3: How to Find Profitable Chrome Extension Ideas 💡
  • Part 4: From Zero to Hero: 10 Steps to Profitable Chrome Extensions 🚀

* This is a pre-recorded training, none of that fake live nonsense 🥱

I respect your time, so you'll have all the video controls you need to speed it up, pause it etc 👍


Here's a quick video running through what will be covered in this training.

To get the most out of the full training, I suggest you:

✅ Set aside 45+ mins of uninterrupted time

✅ Watch on your computer for the best experience.